Recently, I tried to set up a test site of our old MIVA driven site. Not an easy task since MIVA will not run on IIS 7 and our server has the luck of being one that was originally a W2K box that got upgraded to 2003 and has subsequently received several MVIA updates/upgrades over the years also. I called MIVA and was told to just 'copy the files over to a new server and set up a new subdomain.' This=bad instruction. I copied all the files, the data files and in IIS on a correct install you will find a tab on the properties of the sites running MIVA that have a MIVA tab with input boxes for pointing to the correct path of data files and certs. If you don't have the tab, you have to run an install. My trouble, I had Miva v5.06 running. First, there is no download of 5.06, so forget that, it won't be found. Install the zip file 5.12 that you can download from the MIVA support site. Now, just to the meat. If you know IIS 6, you can set up the site, assign permission, or look up another site for help. Put the correct information in the MIVA tab input boxes, bounce the site, app pool, maybe even IIS to get it all to jive. Now, you still have to make some modifications if you have done what I did - copy the MySql db from prod down to this new box. You will need to edit the domains table entries that have your production URL embedded and replace it with the test URL for it to be an accessible admin area. The only issue I have had after making this setup was getting uploads for new modules to work.
However, there is a workaround for that too. If you copy the module files to your server in the 'modules' folder, then go to the Global settings in the store - hit add module, and instead of hitting upload, put the 'modules/nameoffile.mvc' in the input box and click Add, you will have success.
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